We provide all Audiology Services and Ear Wax removal in accordance with BSA standards and HSE guidelines.
Hearing loss rarely occurs all of a sudden. It usually develops over a long period of time and therefore gradual at first. This is because those affected get used to the onset of hearing loss. Because the brain can compensate for the hearing deficiencies for a long time, there are few disadvantages in everyday life during the first phase.
But from a certain point, hearing loss can no longer be readily compensated for. Often, this is noticed by family and friends of the affected person long before they themselves realise they cannot hear normally. The following three questions may help you find out if you have hearing loss.
Fortunately, hearing aids can be used to compensate for hearing loss. You can rely on us for hearing aids that are comfortable, easy to use and meet your budget. We also provide maintenance and re-tuning for your existing hearing aids as well as various other services.
Book your appointment online or call our clinics
A full examination of the ear and the auditory canal will be conducted. Then, if it is appropriate to continue, we will conduct a full audiometric hearing assessment. Once this has been completed, you will receive a detailed explanation of the outcome and have plenty of time to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have.
A full consultation will take approximately 1 hour. All our patients can bring a spouse, partner, family member or friend for support, if they wish.
As an independent hearing centre, we are in a position to offer a range of hearing aids, from all the major manufacturers.
Your PRSI may cover the cost of our digital and rechargeable hearing aids, for you and your spouse. Simply call us, tell us your PPS number and we can check if you or your spouse are eligible for this grant.
Have you difficulty with hearing? Do you have the TV on very loud? Hearing loss rarely occurs all of a sudden but develops over a long period of time. Book your FREE hearing assessment today.
A common issue we see on a regular basis is earwax build up problems. We offer Microsuction and Irrigation Earwax Removal Services at our clinics in Sligo and Tubberucurry.
PPE to protect you from excessive noise. Hearing protection devices reduce the noise energy reaching and causing damage to the inner ear.
We can assist with repairs and maintenance of your hearing aids. We can also explain your hearing aids functions. We repair all makes whether or not you bought your aids from us.
As an employer, it is your legal responsibility to provide health surveillance in the form of hearing tests if:
-The noise level in your workplace exceeds the upper exposure value of 80dB(A)
-An employee has a predisposed risk to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)
Tinnitus may be an accompaniment of sensorineural hearing loss or congenital hearing loss, or it may be observed as a side effect of certain medications. It is a subjective phenomenon, such that it cannot be objectively measured.Occasionally people may experience tinnitus in the form of recognisable musical sounds
rather than the ‘normal’ associated noises. This is referred to as musical imagery tinnitus or auditory imagery tinnitus. The exact mechanism by which this form of tinnitus occursis unknown, but probably involves the auditory memory parts of the brain.
What causes Tinnitus?
Tinnitus can start suddenly or materialise gradually. Due to the non-specifity of the symptom, there are hundreds of aetiologies associated with tinnitus, most, but not all, associated with hearing impairment. Among the causes are noise induced hearing loss, neurological damage (multiple sclerosis), emotional stress, tiredness, oxidative stress, wax build up, ear infections, foreign objects in the ear canal, exposure to loud sounds (noisy equipment, concerts etc.), head trauma or some diseases of the ear, however, for some people the cause isn’t clear. Activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine, and taking ‘excessive’ amounts of
aspirin or antibiotics may exacerbate tinnitus. As there are so many different factors that can lead to, or worsen tinnitus, there is a plethora of ongoing research in to the exact cause of the condition. There are many theories regarding the generation of tinnitus. It is clear that regardless of the initial cause, it is ultimately perceived and processed in the brain. The fact that most people with tinnitus also show at least some deficit in hearing leads to the speculation that tinnitus perception is related to auditory deprivation.
Tinnitus Management
At Audiology Services we offer a professional tinnitus evaluation. Counselling with an experienced hearing health care professional can improve your success in regaining your quality of life. We will be happy answer your queries and provide specific solutions that may be tailored to help with the management of your tinnitus, For some, the effects of tinnitus can often be minimised by a combination of counselling and sound stimulation. Your appointment will involve investigating the cause, type and affects of your tinnitus along with determining whether a treatable medical condition exists or whether further evaluation from your local ENT department is necessary.
Tel:  071 9103401
Mob: 085 1652009